Dozens of fourth graders were asked to imagine they were slaves Thursday as they packed themselves into a small gallery at the Carnegie Center for the Visual Arts in Decatur. Jessica Emrick, exhibit ...
On the assumption that slavery was a state rather than national institution, antislavery advocates at first anticipated that military defeat of the Confederacy would result in its abolition ...
Six of these original members were among the largely Quaker group of eighteen Philadelphians that reorganized in February 1784 as the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery ...
On 1 August 1834, the Abolition of Slavery Act, which made the purchase or owning of slaves illegal in parts of the British Empire, took effect in Britain. This did not mean that all of the ...
The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, 2 December, marks the date of the adoption, by the General Assembly, of the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in ...
Narrator: In the 18th century, the movement to end the slave trade emerged. In Britain a powerful abolition movement inspired by activists and politicians from around the world began to bring ...
Despite slavery being abolished in the British Empire ... The upcoming exhibition, opening in April, will feature postcards, letters, paintings, and clothing from the era, along with ...