The official aim of the war was to preserve ... of the effect of the abolition of slavery on the federal system, congressional authors refrained from writing specific civil rights guarantees ...
A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. In fact ... over the federal government so they could abolish federal laws they didn't support, especially ...
which abolished slavery, heralded the victory of the Union and Republican President Abraham Lincoln, although Lincoln did not live to see the ratification of the amendment in December 1865. Our ...
After graduating from the United States Military Academy, Roswell served in the army during the Mexican-American War. He later married into a wealthy slave-owning family in South Carolina. During the ...
In his book Fear No Pharaoh, Richard Kreitner examines the reactions of six Jewish Americans to slavery and the Civil War.
Following the American Civil War and the abolition of the slave trade, there were still many people who wanted to keep racist rules and systems. This was particularly the case in the southern ...
Born under the shackles of slavery, Harriet Tubman refused to accept a life where she wasn't free. Even after escaping, she ...
That's means Trump's Bible is missing the amendments abolishing slavery and granting women ... 14th Amendment - Post Civil War loyalty, etc It may come as no surprise that the Constitution in ...
Not long after the Civil War ended, the number of marriage ... Before Juneteenth, which marked the official abolishment of slavery in Texas, slaveowners were well within their rights to break ...
Chicago’s role as a “hotbed of abolition” before the Civil War will be the subject Wednesday of a Looking for Lincoln Conversations program.