The draft amendments to the Orang Asli Act 1954 (Act 134) are nearly complete and expected to be tabled in Parliament by ...
THE term “climate change” is quite new to the Temiar Orang Asli communities in Gua Musang, Kelantan, says Mustafa Along. “Because we didn’t learn this in school,” explains the 37-year ...
A total of 100 Orang Asli families in Desa Temuan, Bukit Lanjan here received a pack of basic necessities from the Malaysian Digital Economic Corporation (MDEC) through the Santuni MADANI programme ...
The Orang Asli of the Kelaik village in Kelantan have sued the state government and 13 others over unlawful occupation of ...
Polis meminta bantuan awam untuk mengesan Nirma Jimmy, remaja perempuan Orang Asli berusia 17 tahun yang dilaporkan hilang ...
THE Johor government will ensure that the Orang Asli community is not left behind as the state progresses towards achieving ...
“An Orang Asli child has to go through Jakoa to be considered disabled, but any other Malaysian just has to go through the social welfare department. “However, Jakoa does not have the ...
Historical stone relics, including a knife, an axe, and a sharpening tool, are key evidence in the Temiar community’s lawsuit ...
Terletak 40 kilometer dari bandar Kota Tinggi, kampung ini dihuni lebih 300 penduduk, kebanyakannya bekerja sebagai nelayan ...
The installation of solar-powered lights in Kampung Sempadik, Pos Belatim, Gua Musang has been included under the Rural ...
KOTA BHARU - Orang Asli Kampung Kelaik, Gua Musang memohon hakim melawat penempatan mereka bagi melihat sendiri kehidupan suku kaum Temiar di kawasan itu. Permohonan tersebut dikemukakan secara lisan ...
Rata-rata ibu bapa Orang Asli di Kampung Kuala Koyan melahirkan rasa syukur dan gembira dengan pelaksanaan Program Makanan ...