When you are a single girl, you do not have to shave your legs or change your underwear frequently. A hotel in Kericho County recently cancelled the reservation of Laikipia Women Representative ...
Single women getting into entanglements with married men is a huge problem here in Kenya and some people even take pride in using married men for the thrill of it. It's sometimes hard to ...
For example, one of the women Klougart met works in the hotel industry in Europe and travels to Kenya each year to escape her life. Her husband died of cancer 20 years ago and she doesn't want a ...
Meet six such active & passionate change leaders who are countering various forms of discrimination and oppression that hinder women’s safety and security in Kenya. Valerie Aura, Kisumu County ...
A thought-provoking Facebook post shed light on the experiences of single Kenyan women post-breakup or divorce Blogger Wanja of the Hummingbird page initiates a candid discussion, inviting women ...