Most of the prominent old families in Mombasa still trace ... Mwana Mkisi is part of Swahili identity; representing half of their dual heritage as Bantu people who mainly profess Islam.
It is a Swahili word that originated from the word ... The Wangozi who came from Shingwaya used to welcome many people to Mombasa. The Arab later called the Wangozi ‘Watu wa Kisiwa Hili ...
So who were the Swahili people, and where did their ancestors ... beginning with Mwana Mkisi, ruler of Mombasa, as recorded by the Portuguese as early as the 1500s, down to Sabani binti Ngumi ...
So as we've heard Taarab in Mombasa as well as Zanzibar, is always absorbing new influences like the people of the Swahili Coast themselves. But there are a number of dedicated musicians who are ...
But coastal settlements were always open to attack from people of the interior. Sometimes these attacks had been provoked by Swahili ... the King of Mombasa by contrast, refused, and Mombasa ...
Wakati BBC ikiendelea na makala kuhusu wanawake hii Leo tunaangazia tatizo la unyanyasaji wa kijinsia katika huduma za usafiri wa umma. Mwenzetu John Nene anaangazia jinsi wanawake ...
Maelezo ya sauti, Treni iliyokuwa ikisafirisha mafuta kupata ajali Mombasa 21 Mei 2018 Wanajeshi nchini Kenya wamelazimika kutoa msaada wa uokozi baada ya Treni iliyokuwa ikisafirisha mafuta ...