For most of us, dogs deserve as much love and attention as the humans in our family. This, naturally, means we like to take our canine companions wherever we go — and yes, that includes restaurants.
It takes a lot to make a great therapy horse. Here are 25 breeds that tend to make the best equine therapy candidates. 25 Horse Breeds That Are Great Therapy Horses Hippotherapy, or equine therapy, ...
Every summer, humans around the world casually step into the ocean for a swim. But it makes no sense. As adorable as baby dolphins are, there's a lot more out there than friendly sea critters. It's ...
Rainforests are dense forests in tropical regions inhabited by a variety of unusual species you won't find anywhere else on the planet. The warm, humid environment is the perfect habitat for a ...
If you live in a place with plenty of room to roam, want a dog for security or just want a gentle, furry giant to call your own, these large dog breeds can make for loving, protective family members.
Research shows that dogs make humans happier, more active and even more patient and responsible. And when does this seem to be the truest? The puppy years! Thankfully, there are tons of dog breeds ...
In Berkeley, California, the Ohlone Dog Park was the first of its kind, created in 1979 by Martha Scott and Doris Richards. Since that time, dog parks have become one of the fastest-growing amenities ...
Getting a dog is exciting, especially for kids. New dog parents, however, are often sent reeling when the realities of ownership hit. Having a dog is like having a permanent toddler, and some breeds ...
There are two types of people in this world: those who love snakes and those who are terrified of them. There’s no in-between. While their likability may be up for grabs, there’s no denying that ...
Most people love the extraordinary, which is why we crave science-fiction stories that stretch our imaginations and cause us to question the realities that we know. But we spend so much time being ...
You may have noticed that pugs are pretty much everywhere these days. Once thought to be a relic of a bygone era, the dog breed’s popularity has gained steam in the past three decades — so much so ...
The best guard dogs are incredibly smart, loyal, agile and fearless — all reasons that they take up so much space in our hearts. When running down the list of desirable traits in a new family pet, ...