The European Union has sufficient capacity for liquefied natural gas and Member States can cut themselves off from Russian ...
In an interview with Canadian journalist Arpon Basu, former NHL draft pick and Slovak hockey player Juraj Slafkovský shared ...
Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) thinks that the end of the war in Ukraine is coming soon. He expects a shift on the issue of the war's resolution and is also waiting to see what Ukrainian ...
Slovak soldiers from the Air Force and Special Operations Forces managed to evacuate nearly 100 citizens from 12 countries from Beirut, Lebanon. The four flights were sent by the Ministry of Foreign ...
After Zuzana Dolinková resigned and President Peter Pellegrini appointed Kamil Šašek as Health Minister, no one knew what would happen next. Foto: Instagram/Zuzana Dolinková According to the daily ...
In its latest decision on the detention of Juraj Cintula, who is accused of attempting to assassinate Prime Minister Robert Fico, the Supreme Court disputes that the act was terroristic. Foto: ...
Pravidelná letecká linka medzi Bratislavou a Košicami dostala v Bruseli zelenú. Lietadlom by sme tak mohli ušetriť aj ...
Pravidelná letecká linka medzi Bratislavou a Košicami dostala v Bruseli zelenú. Lietadlom by sme tak mohli ušetriť aj ...
Ego, Andrea Verešová a ďalšie známe tváre zažiarili na Bratislavských módnych dňoch. Prinášame vám exkluzívne vyjadrenia ...
Ivan Galád začal v Trenčíne úradovať expresne rýchlo. Po tom, ako v obnovenej premiére na lavičke AS získal cenný bod na ...
Skejtbordista Richard Tury zvíťazil v pretekoch FISE World Series v čínskom Šanghaji v disciplíne street. Za svoje jazdy ...