Continuing campaigning on reasonable adjustment passports so they become mandatory in all workplaces as part of a reformed ...
Shirley is an active member of Unison Cymru/Wales and chairs the Ethnic Network Group of Neath Port Talbot Council. Her ...
You'll understand the role and responsibilities. These include working together with members and other union reps, talking to members and dealing with their problems, recruiting members and getting ...
This Black History Month TUC Cymru is launching a brand new anti-racism in the workplace toolkit. As trade unionists we share values of anti-racism, equity and social justice. It is important to us ...
Mahaboob is a delegate on the 2024 Black Activist Development Programme and a passionate activist with Unite. His experiences and advocacy work focus on promoting equality within the union movement, ...
Samia is an enthusiastic activist with GMB and is also a participant in the second TUC Cymru Black Activists Development Programme. Her commitment to fighting for workers' rights and her focus on ...
As a trade union movement, we want to see anti-racist workplaces. This means taking active steps to achieve this. Systemic racism is already a part of workplace culture and so workplaces need to work ...
The Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) has been transforming lives for 25 years. WULF is a Welsh Government-funded initiative which makes workplace learning fairer and more accessible. During the last ...
Fel mudiad undebau llafur, rydyn ni eisiau gweld gweithleoedd gwrth-hiliol. Mae hyn yn golygu gweithredu’n bwrpasol i gyflawni hyn. Mae hiliaeth systemig eisoes yn rhan o ddiwylliant gweithleoedd ac ...
Yr haf hwn, trafaelwyd 5 o weithredwyr undebau llafur ifanc o Gymru i'r Almaen i ddysgu am sut maent yn ysgogi gweithwyr ifanc ynghylch y pwnc Pontio Teg. Yma mae Ryan, Hazel a Tomos yn dweud wrthym ...
Mae Cronfa Ddysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF) wedi bod yn trawsnewid bywydau pobl ers 25 o flynyddoedd. Mae WULF yn fenter sy’n cael ei hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac sy’n gwneud dysgu yn y gweithle yn ...