UVA has begun offering “tech sabbatical” courses, requiring students to put away their phones and laptops as part of their coursework inside the classroom and to commit to screen-free hours outside of ...
When Katie Couric (Col ’79) hosted Tina Fey (Col ’92) on her syndicated talk show in 2013, the conversation inevitably turned to UVA nostalgia. It helped that Fey was promoting Admission, a movie set ...
In recent years, we have taken numerous steps to make an exceptional UVA education accessible and affordable for the very best and brightest students, regardless of their financial circumstances. Our ...
Esther Bell (Col ’01) loves a surprise. She’s the chief curator at the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts, and—asked to show off a favorite painting in this world-class museum—she ...
Editor’s note: Virginia Magazine published this story ahead of the Board of Visitors’ nearly unanimous March 1 vote to rename Alderman Library for former UVA President Edgar Shannon. See our Spring ...
You click on the picture of your grandbaby and feel a zing of joy, so you click on the cat video and chuckle, and then on What Former Child Stars Look Like Now and whoosh, another hour of your life is ...
To keep UVA warm for a week during a typical mid-winter cold spell, UVA facility workers first pile up more than 1.5 million pounds of coal, then pipe in some 25 million cubic feet of natural gas.
As preparations begin for the University’s 200th anniversary in 2019, UVA hosted a national symposium on Grounds in October titled “Universities Confronting the Legacy of Slavery.” The conference ...
As plans for the University of Virginia began to take shape in Thomas Jefferson’s imagination, he envisioned a lawn surrounded on three sides by housing for students and professors, connected by ...
Now that the humanities library has reopened after its $161 million renovation, one question remains: What will it be called?
Call it the “Preservationist’s Dilemma”: To restore the ancient and authentic, is it necessary to destroy the modern and memorable? More particularly, when the twin colonnades that line the Lawn of ...