One day, plucky young Alice follows a white rabbit down a hole and discovers a world of bizarre characters.
In the titular film, Alice’s journey into Wonderland echoes the experiences of those with the rare neurological condition ...
Loosely related to the "Alice" of Alice in Wonderland, in one episode of this film, Alice (who is clearly a metaphor for the Spanish people) is raped by some multinational corporations.
That’s a reference to Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” one of the movie’s structuring literary allusions. Neo’s day job in a cubicle farm visually echoes that ...
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson published Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland under the pen name of “Lewis Carroll” in 1865. The individuals whom Alice meets in the fantasy land on the other side of ...
Neill), as well as many additional adventures recounted ... delightful Walt Disney animated film “Alice in Wonderland” (1951) and the thrilling 1939 movie “The Wizard of Oz.” ...