Samsung's Galaxy S25 Ultra, equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset and Android 15, features a 6.9-inch QHD+ display and a 5,000 mAh bat ...
Looks like the South Korean manufacturer could opt for different chips for its clamshell and book-style foldable.
Bluetooth audio is everywhere, but it turns out Samsung is thinking about using UWB instead of Bluetooth for future earphones ...
Google wants to make apps scalable across form factors. Android XR headsets will run the majority of Android apps by default.
This time around, we're comparing two of Samsung's compact powerhouses, Samsung Galaxy S25 vs Galaxy S24. Two very similar ...
On the surface, it looks like Samsung did the bare minimum to release a new flagship phone. However, once you spend time with ...
At a glance Expert's Rating Pros ・Slick software ・The most advanced AI around ・Gorgeous anti-reflective screen ・Image processing has improved Cons ・Barely any hardware upgrades ・S Pen has no Bluetooth ...