Bedmap3 is the most fine-grain map to date of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice. Scientists created it using more than ...
A ntarctica isn’t a floating chunk of ice like the Arctic. Beneath its frozen surface sits a solid continent of mountains, ...
One of them is a madman — accused of violently beating, threatening and sexually harassed at least two of his teammates.
In some places, the underside of the sea ice looks like giant green clouds. These are the 'grass meadows' of Antarctica, made ...
A member of the team, which is confined for the next 13 months, emailed authorities pleading for help after the man allegedly ...
A member of a South African research team that is confined for more than a year at an isolated Antarctica base was put under ...
Researchers at South Africa's remote Sanae IV base had urged their bosses to let them leave or remove the scientist after he ...
Between 18,000 and 11,000 years ago, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere suddenly shot up. This caused rapid ...
Climate change is the most pressing problem humanity will face this century. Tracking how the climate is actually changing ...