Make some sweet cash back, or get ready to shell out a pretty penny with some of the most valuable cards from OP08 Two ...
Japanime Games has a pair of new tabletop games out on the market, as they ahve made a board game and a card game for One ...
Dr. Stone: Science Future is based on the Dr. Stone manga series by Boichi and Riichirō Inagaki. The anime series is ...
Bandai's Proplica brand released life-size replicas of Zoro's famous three swords with special features. The set includes the ...
If you've wanted more Gundam outside the gunpla models, Bandai hopes the Gundam Assemble tabletop game will spark your interests. For years, the Gundam franchise has been consistently present in ...
IShowSpeed recently claimed that he is given permission to stream all One Piece episodes, but an official staff says otherwise.
Marineford marked the end of the first part of One Piece. Oda sets up a huge war, similar to Marinford, in the Final Saga.
Bandai announced that they will be going for miniature wargames in earnest this year with a new miniatures game coming out later this year. Gundam Assemble is on the horizon and we've already got a ...
If one of your New Year's resolutions is to improve your credit card game, take note of your current debt or find a card with solid rewards and a generous sign-up bonus. If you want to tackle your ...