An editor reviews Equinox's group fitness classes and shares the best cardio, strength, yoga, pilates, and regeneration ...
Dance and you’ll feel better. The impacts of dance – physically, mentally, emotionally – are undeniable. Dance fitness ...
Slow movement is in, high intensity is out. There’s a new “it sneaker” on the horizon, a new AI push for personalisation and a new sense of togetherness. We asked more than 30 industry leaders to ...
As warmer weather finally begins to reach Waterloo and spring term is just around the corner, it seemed like the perfect time ...
Trainers share how to make the most of arm exercises without weights, plus our favorite moves that help improve mobility and posture in just minutes a day.
Meditation is known to help with anxiety, but for PS contributor Fiona Ward, it changed her sleep completely, too. With ...
It's finally here! With plenty happening across the three days, this is one of the most fun-filled long weekends on our ...
CHLOE Redmond, the founder of The Body People, has created a studio in Hackney built for those who never felt at home in ...
Whether you want to celebrate your mum, nan, grandmother, aunt, best friend, sibling who’s always been there for you or ...
The ancient art of yoga has endured since its origins in India approximately 5,000 years ago, becoming a widely taught and ...