An 81-year-old hunter has gone on trial for killing a protected brown bear that attacked him and mauled both of his legs.
Photos of a giraffe traveling in the bed of a pickup truck near Detroit went viral on social media, and the animal turned out ...
Rivers of green beer will be a-flowin' as St. Patrick's Day parties take over Lake and Sumter County Thursday through Monday.
filled with taxidermy. On the green walls, beneath an ornate stained-glass dome, Block has projected ghostly images of animals: deer, bison, bears and more, while the sound of elk screams rolls.
Rustic wooden beams and that watchful bear statue create the perfect backdrop for the meat ... balance – bright enough to see your food but dim enough to feel special. Taxidermy and hunting trophies ...
Nestled in an unassuming corner of Oklahoma City sits a weathered wooden structure that looks like it was airlifted straight ...
Located just south of Brown's Country Market at 13940 U.S. 301 ... Attendees can browse 70-plus vendors hawking taxidermy and bone art, specimens, pop culture knickknacks, memorabilia, witchy ...
Alexandra has hunted rams, deer, and bears but she claims she doesn’t waste any part of the animal – removing the meat, and then drying out the skin and boiling the antlers and horn for taxidermy ...
Dioramas like these were the only ways that people could see Alaskan brown bears, bison, or capybaras ... Carl Akeley experimented with new taxidermy techniques to make animals appear as lifelike as ...
Malloch Brown trout trophy fish model, 1911 from Manfred Schotte “When I first started dealing in fish trophies the main trade was the interior decorators market. This soon changed and collectors ...
Alaska has killed more than 200 bears as part of its "intensive management" program intended to help a caribou herd.