An aerial view of Indiana’s corn crop this year shows lush green fields ... then we’re going to lose some of that weight in that that ear,” says Telenko. Tar spot starts in the leaf, and ...
The corn leafhopper and the disease symptoms were reported throughout the country last year. Corn stunt disease can result in ...
In South Dakota, Pro Farmer Crop Tour scouts found fields with fewer ears, but grain length was up compared with 2023. South Dakota corn yield estimate: 156.51 bu. per acre, down 0.58% from 2023 ...
To make your ears pop, try swallowing, yawning, sucking on hard candy, or chewing gum. If that doesn’t work, try the Valsalva maneuver by pinching your nose, closing your mouth, and gently blowing out ...
We concluded that maize breeding efforts have indirectly affected vertical stem dry matter allocation towards less stem dry matter above the ear leaf. This change reduces plants’ center of gravity, ...