Baghdadi, a prominent ninth-century Sufi, explains this by saying, “Whatever draws near to God vanishes.” Tawhid does not ...
Death is not an end but a passage, a test that defines life’s true purpose, shaping faith and the journey toward the divine ...
However, if we look deeper, we find that these two religions share many surprising similarities in their beliefs ... for what we do. In Islam, the concept of Akhirah (afterlife) states that ...
It marks the period in which Muslims believe the Koran was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad - and so are encouraged to read and reflect on their holy book. Image: Muslims strive to engage in ...
In what way does it matter what you do to begin ... reason to believe in this approach. But, sophomoric to hope to apply it to every cultural and situation. Point blank, the Islam practiced ...
The columnist’s new book, "Believe," argues for religion from a rational perspective. It won’t make a believer out of me.
Do Muslims need to be represented only by Muslims ... Our data shows that more than 51% Muslims believe their vote does make a difference. Muslim turnout in 2024 (62%) also confirms that a ...
How Christianity blurred the line between celibacy and androgyny.
Large majorities of Christians and Muslims hold each of these beliefs, as do more than half of all Buddhists, Hindus, Jews and religiously unaffiliated adults. Belief in heaven and belief in hell are ...