When the holy among us are being summoned to church, tintinnabulations of bells pierce the air ... It was freezing and misty as the SS Mendi began its cautious crossing of the English Channel. A few ...
Visitors flock to this part of northwest Italy, chasing their own version of la dolce vita, the sweet life. And they come to hike.
You can’t sustain a career like Paul McCartney's without versatility. If he had only one trick in his bag, that would have ...
For whom the bell tolls’ is a novel by Ernest Hemingway published in 1940. It is widely believed that the title was derived ...
The exquisite coffee pot was made about 250 years ago, crafted out of 40 ounces of silver, formed and engraved by the finest ...
Each of the three movements of Bonds’ “Spiritual Suite” quotes an African-American spiritual — “The Valley of the Bones,” based on “Dry Bones”; “The Bells,” based on “Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells”; and ...
Like so many of Europe’s small-town wonders, Bruges is now well-pickled because its economy went sour so quickly.
For parishioners at Holy Cross church on Buffalo's West Side, Lent began as both a self-reflective journey, and a celebration.
The Flemish who live in this part of Belgium call this city “Brugge” (BROO-ghah), but the French half of the country (and English speakers ... aim to be there on the quarter hour, when the 47 bells ...
West Yorkshire’s most famous farm (probably) has a sizeable shop with fine local meats, cheeses and baked goods, not to mention heaps of gourmet grub and fancy booze. It isn’t the cheapest and neither ...
Josephine Baker (1906-1975) found fame in France in the 1920s as the American expat who danced in “a mere belt of bananas.” ...