In this article, Ekta Banodkar of ABND talks about the rise of minimalist branding, exploring why iconic logos are being ...
We took Adobe Firefly for a test spin, diving into generative art in hopes of finding a pragmatic purpose — a use for us ...
The S5 Avant is preceded by a range of strong, capable estate cars, so can this live up to them? Jack Evans finds out.
Taco Bell isn't content to sit back and rest on its laurels. The fast food chain has continued to experiment with different ...
Vincenzo Latronico’s satirical novel is about a young couple in Berlin whose lives are marked by taste and insider knowledge.
In te reo Māori, hoka means 'to fly'. The company initially accredited their use of the word to the “ancient Māori language” ...
We’ve seen too many generic, soulless designs slapped together for past ... it kind of looks like an old-school MLS logo. It’s got a nostalgic, almost arcade-style feel, which fits perfectly for a ...
The classic move is the pit beef sandwich with horseradish and onion on a kaiser roll, but don’t feel constrained by ...
The framed photographs of long-gone downtown Lincoln storefronts capture a visual history of the city’s evolution. Even old ...
The [Nick] Kyrgios “defense” is gross garbage. “Like or dislike someone personally,” you say, as if our reactions to his ...
has been granted an official generic name by the United States Adopted Names (USAN) Council. Rentosertib stands as the first investigational drug in which both the biological target and the ...
A Cincinnati agency called Synergistic Marketing offered its assistance -- a free rebrand-- in exchange for switching the ...