Of course, staying ahead of someone like Goku is not an easy task, and Gohan's strength tends to fluctuate heavily depending on his training regimen, so he rarely keeps his lead over his father.
The Kaio-Ken doesn't always get the respect it deserves in DBZ, but it's arguably a cooler transformation than Super Saiyan with even better fights.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The Kamehameha Schools Kapālama senior class swept the 105th annual Kamehameha Schools Song Contest Friday evening. All four grade levels participated in the annual ...
The Hawaii native and Heisman winner will help raise money for Ronald McDonald House Charities Hawaii on Sunday, March 30, at Ala Moana Center. The 58th annual St. Patrick's Day parade in Waikiki ...
However, you need to know the right poses to make that happen, because not all poses will assist you with your sleep issues. The key is to aim for relaxing movements that help calm your body and ...