Predicting Categories and Ingredients of Traditional Dishes Using Deep Learning and Cross-Attention Mechanism. Open Access Library Journal, 12, 1-12. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1112846 . Image recognition and ...
Washington acknowledged with humor the ongoing historical debate surrounding jollof rice’s origins, which many food ...
The Nigerian community has long been battling every other country for the title of the best jollof rice makers. And while ...
Rice is a staple in Nigeria, enjoyed in households across the country in various forms from Jollof rice to fried rice and local dishes like Tuwo Shinkafa. However, despite the availability of ...
Plus, it’s not too spicy—this is the rice you can serve at all your parties without fear of burning someone’s taste buds.
The original mascot for the loss of species, even before the concept was understood, was the dodo. The bird — fat and flightless, found by 17th-century European sailors on the island of ...
The original mascot for the loss of species, even before the concept was understood, was the dodo. The bird – fat and flightless, found by 17th-century European sailors on the island of ...
Jollof rice and smoky suya fuel locals in the vibrant Nigerian city of Lagos (at No. 7). In Shanghai, China, at No. 8, thousands of years of food history have been perfected in today’s ...