The carpets of spring daffodils may be a tempting solution for those who forgot to organise a Mother's Day gift.
Experts at the Woodland Trust say part of the Smithills estate, within the West Pennine moors, has many indicators of it ...
A new book details how lignin once protected algae from UV radiation, then later in evolutionary time became a structural ...
It has over 140,000 vascular plant and algal collections, about 7000 moss and liverwort specimens and 2,600 lichen specimens. For information regarding visiting or specimens in the CHRB ...
This is a liverwort. This one ... (gentle music) - [Miles Berkey] Mosses are among a group of plants called Bryophyta. A Bryophyte is a plant that does not have the ability to transport water ...
In the Late Ordovician era, they formed a symbiotic relationship with liverworts, the earliest plants. “Ultimately, fungi helped plants move away from being these marginal tiny little things on ...