The councilor of the Cabimas Municipality of Zulia State, in western Venezuela, Juan Carlos Perozo, repudiated the arrest of the Mayor of Maracaibo, Rafael Ramírez, and described the action as illegal ...
El concejal del municipio Cabimas del estado Zulia, Juan Carlos Perozo, repudió la detención del alcalde de Maracaibo, Rafael Ramírez, y calificó la acción de ilegal. A juicio de Perozo, con la ...
Con la gaita tradicional de Los Rosareños, sonando acordes de júbilo y de fe, Cabimas desbordó los alrededores de su Catedral y asistió fervorosamente, a la bajada de Nuestra Señora Virgen d ...
CIWM and WRAP express disappointment about delay but say it is essential extended producer responsibility goes ahead as planned ...
Defra’s initial calculations on the finan­cial contribution that packaging pro­ducers will be expected to pay under extended producer responsibility rules have steadied some nerves within the sector ...