Longtime National Rifle Association chief Wayne LaPierre should pay the powerful gun rights group $4.3 million in damages for ...
"Between the NRA’s high-profile corruption scandals to plummeting membership and dire financial picture, the organization is a shell of what it once was," said Emma Brown, who is the executive ...
He came to the meetings with his wife, Kalma. They’re lifetime conservatives and longtime NRA members. “When the school shootings and many of the other shootings, it was the fault of the law ...
For the NRA, it's about members and money. For the gun manufacturers, it's about sales and protection from legal liability. And as long as gun owners are kept agitated, angry, and afraid ...
The George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest provides an outlet for youth interested in the outdoors and wildlife conservation to express their creativity and artistic skills in the form of ...
Up until the late 1960s and 1970s, the NRA was viewed as willing to compromise on gun laws. That largely ended after the Gun Control Act of 1968 was enacted. Some members pushed back, worried that ...