As global electricity demand grows, traditional energy sources are under strain. Oceans, which cover more than 70% of Earth's ...
Until now, a global evaluation of ocean current energy with actual data was lacking. Using 30 years of NOAA's Global Drifter ...
Antarctica's remote and mysterious current has a profound influence on the climate, food systems and Antarctic ecosystems. Can we stop it weakening by 2050? Flowing clockwise around Antarctica ...
The Kuroshio Current that runs on the west side of the Pacific Ocean and along the east side of Japan has recently been associated with upwellings that enrich coastal fishing waters. The specific ...
Could lumpy metallic rocks in the deepest, darkest reaches of the ocean be making oxygen in the absence of sunlight? Some ...
Taimoor Sohail receives funding from the Australian Research Council. Bishakhdatta Gayen receives funding from Australian Research Council (ARC). He works at University of Melbourne as ARC Future ...
A Chinese buoy placed south of Yonaguni Island, Japan's westernmost point located just 111km from Taiwan, is now a simmering ...
Toru Miyama, chief researcher of ocean physics at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), cited the abnormal flow of the Kuroshio Current as the cause. The Kuroshio ...
In math and computer science, researchers have long understood that some questions are fundamentally unanswerable. Now ...
Deep-sea creatures, rare beings that typically reside in the abyssal depths, are surfacing in unprecedented numbers. What is this mystery? Know Here: ...