Many people struggle with finding meaning in normal life because most people don’t have super exciting, glamorous lives.
Messengers to the Kentucky Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting Nov. 12 will be voting on five resolutions at First Baptist ...
HOPE HAS BEEN on my mind for the past few days. What a contrast between hope and despair. One recognizes sunlight among dark clouds, and the other seems entirely covered by a dark cloud, blocking any ...
Mike Griffin, public affairs representative for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, doesn’t feel politics is something to ...
After Jesus’ resurrection, He appeared to all of His disciples except for Thomas, whom we know as the one who was always ...
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations ...
Joe Hendry heads into the main event of Bound For Glory on Saturday night, already knowing he's been one of the breakout ...
As we seek to have more boldness in our faith and live for Jesus daily, it would be wise that we consider the glory of God. Throughout the Word, we ...