Comparative algorithms help landlords bring rentals to market more quickly and encourage more housing development.
Lexington officials are making preparations ahead of the University of Kentucky Men’s Basketball Team’s upcoming appearance in the NCAA Sweet 16 on Friday.
Cloud environments introduce new complexities in securing privileged access, which is one of the reasons that cloud breaches ...
Kutcher, 47, who is due to return to the small screen in Ryan Murphy's upcoming series "The Beauty," and Kunis, 41, purchased the two-home dwelling for $10.1 million in 2017 via an LLC, according to ...
Lear Asset Management's tactics in logging and cannabis enforcement, from Idaho to California, raise concerns about private ...
It is a shame that so much time, effort, and taxpayer money were wasted when the real solution was staring at us in the face all along: build more housing.
Brex explains how, from procurement and vendor payments to employee expenses and compliance, spend management encompasses ...
Experts say Arizona will continue to have a heightened risk of wildfires in 2025 as a relatively dry winter comes to a close.
SITE Centers is a retail REIT focused on open-air shopping centers in high-income communities. Read why I confirm my Hold ...
Deadly weather swept across the Ozarks last week, damaging dozens of houses and leaving 12 people dead. Officials share that ...
Owner of Independence Towers wants the apartment building sold, but not in a rushed sale. The tenant union also opposes the ...
Many tenants of the Independence Towers belong to the KC Tenants Union, which is participating in a near-7-month-long rent strike.