The cable belongs to Latvia's state radio and television centre (LVRTC) which said in a statement that there had been "disruptions in data transmission services". The company said alternatives had ...
After a fiber optic cable was damaged near Sweden, Latvia sent a patrol boat to inspect a suspicious vessel in the Baltic Sea.An undersea fiber optic cable between Latvia and Sweden belonging to ...
Latvia's State Radio and Television Center (LVRTC) reported on January 26 that the undersea fiber optic cable between Latvia and Sweden had been damaged by an external impact. According to the ...
Latvia’s State Radio and Television Center (LVRTC) reported on January 26 that the undersea fiber optic cable between Latvia and Sweden had been damaged by an external impact. According to the ...
Pagājušās nedēļas nogalē laika apstākļi Baltijas jūrā nebija labvēlīgi darbam dziļūdens apstākļos, tāpēc plānotie bojātā VAS "Latvijas Valsts radio un televīzijas centrs" (LVRTC) jūras optisko šķiedru ...