The show opens in the early 1800s in Colombia and follows Jose Arcadio Buendia (played by Marco Antonio Gonzalez Ospina as a ...
The Netflix One Hundred Years of Solitude’s key virtue and weakness is its dutiful following of orders, leading to a bear-hugging loyalty to the text.
Gabriel García Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is a cornerstone of magical realism, weaving a vivid tapestry of ...
Reverently transposed to the screen, the Colombian Nobel Prize winner's masterpiece finds its settings and performers, but ...
As a new Netflix series thrusts Gabriel García Márquez's masterpiece back into the spotlight, these are the real-life places ...
On a trip to Colombia to see the Netflix production of “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” a reporter was struck by memories of ...
Netflix has now taken on literary savant Gabriel García Márquez's family saga One Hundred Years of Solitude (Cien Años de ...
Celis, a professor of Romance languages and literatures and Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx studies, spoke on air ...
Based on Garcia Marquez's 1967 literary classic, the Netflix adaptation stars Susana Morales, Vina Machado, Marco Gonzales, ...
Mark Zuckerberg, the 72-year-old Yugoslavian orphan who runs Facebook, has announced his social media platform is ending its ...
We picked five on-screen projects that stood out for the way they captured the original stories — and five more for 2025 that ...