The chairman of Southern Ethiopia Peoples' Democratic Coalition (SEPDC) and National Democratic Coalition (NDC) was elected chairman of the conference for peace and reconciliation in Ethiopia, held in ...
The young Libyan company Arkenu Oil Co has the wind in its sails thanks to Arabian Gulf Oil Co (AGOCO). It is emerging as the National Oil Corp (NOC) subsidiary's new favourite partner, having scored ...
After pledging to finance military equipment for the country's army and training 300 of its gendarmes, the European Union may provide training for forest rangers in the Comoé National Park who face ...
The former governor of Uganda's central bank has been appointed to head Capital Markets Authority, the body which is to prepare the ground for a financial market in Kampala, long planned but long ...
The junta suspected that Baykar had overcharged for the contract and wanted to avoid negotiating directly with the Erdogan family. It then tried to put in an order with Malhat, an offshoot of the UAE ...
A close supporter of Somali National Alliance leader Mohamed Farah Aideed and a top SNA official, Mohamed Nur Gutale "Dhalbas" was released by UNOSOM 2 forces in Mogadiscio on October 19. He is the ...
Parliament this week approved the nomination of Ben Okello Luwum as auditor general and of John Kisembo as inspector general of police. The first-named replaces James Kahooza who has held the post ...
The manager of Association des Hoteliers et Restaurateurs de l'Ile Maurice (AHRIM) has been named board chairman of Ecole Hoteliere de Maurice, which in another nomination, now has Harmon Chellen as ...
The former diplomat and education ministry official Benjamin Kipkulei has been appointed by president Daniel arap Moi to be permanent secretary to the finance ministry. He takes over from Karuga ...
The CEO of Consolidated Investment and Enterprises (the Floreal group holding company) and of Deep River Beau Champ (sugar refinery) has been named chairman of Joint Economic Council (JEC) on ...
The six young daughters of Portugal's late industrial magnate Jorge Jardim, are currently preparing a trip to Maputo on November first. Jardim used to live in Mozambique but opposed FRELIMO coming to ...
The new chairman of the Mauritian Syndicat des Sucres has been a well-known cane sugar planter in the Riche-en-Eau region since 1959. A former MP in Parliament (1976-1987) and former chairman of ...