A wide range of resources for the promotion of positive, non-violent discipline among parents, teachers, other adults who work with children and children and young people themselves. Available in ...
Andorra sollte Rassismus und LGBTI-Phobie bekämpfen und das Wahlrecht ausweiten ...
Les groupes de travail et les réseaux mis en place par le Comité directeur de l'éducation (CDEDU) ont pour mission de ...
The working groups and networks set up by the Steering Committee on Education (CDEDU) are mandated to support the implementation of the Committee's programme of activities.
Communiqué de presse Des expert·es du Conseil de l’Europe exhortent la Türkiye à intensifier la lutte contre la traite des ...
Roundtable on Enhancing Coordination Among National Stakeholders for the Execution of European Court Judgments by Georgia ...