At the “Hello World” event in San Francisco, Worldcoin, now World, unveiled the third version of its World ID, a major innovation in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). This advanced tool is ...
20h00 5 min de lecture par Luc Jose A. S'informer Paiement En 2023, 78 % des exportations de pétrole brut russe ont été dirigées vers deux géants asiatiques : l’Inde et la Chine. Une redistribution ...
The Ethereum network is about to reach a new critical milestone in its evolution. The upcoming Pectra fork, scheduled for late 2024 or early 2025, aims to optimize transaction fees for layer 2 (L2) ...
La red Ethereum está a punto de dar un nuevo paso crucial en su evolución. El próximo fork Pectra, previsto para finales de 2024 o principios de 2025, apunta a optimizar las tarifas de transacción ...
Le réseau Ethereum s’apprête à franchir une nouvelle étape cruciale dans son évolution. Le prochain fork Pectra, prévu pour fin 2024 ou début 2025, vise à optimiser les frais de transaction pour les ...
El mundo de la cripto está experimentando un nuevo avance importante. Wecan Group y Banque Delubac & Cie anuncian una alianza estratégica revolucionaria. Esta alianza tiene como objetivo facilitar la ...
Un nuevo giro en el caso Ripple contra la SEC acaba de sacudir a la comunidad. En plena batalla legal, la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ha presentado una apelación de última hora, ...
A new twist in the Ripple versus SEC case has shaken the community. Amidst the legal battle, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed a last-minute appeal, thus reigniting a trial that ...
Un nouveau rebondissement dans l’affaire Ripple contre la SEC vient de secouer la communauté. En pleine bataille juridique, la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a déposé un appel de dernière ...
The crypto world, already dynamic and unpredictable, is now rocked by an unexpected alliance between artificial intelligence and meme coins. These two worlds, which once seemed unlikely to cross paths ...
The year 2025 is shaping up to be marked by a fiscal upheaval. Whether you are a seasoned cryptocurrency investor or earn dividends on your investments, the recent increase in the flat tax, approved ...
Bitcoin ETFs do not aim to impress with speed, but rather with their unwavering trajectory and efficiency. Their progress is making waves, with surprising exits and spectacular entries. The $20 ...