“ For too long, the crimes of the transatlantic slave trade – and their ongoing impact – have remained unacknowledged, unspoken and unaddressed ,” he said, denouncing erasure of history, rewriting of ...
At Goree Island, she imagined the horrors of chattel slavery, and felt revulsion at the inhumanity on which our nation was built. Telling the stories of those who survived the Middle Passage ...
As Jews marked Purim, Iran’s Khamenei denied the Holocaust, echoing past enemies. History proves one thing: Jews remember, ...
On the occasion of the 142nd death anniversary of Karl Marx, as has happened each year since March 17,1883 when Frederick ...
Once France’s largest slave-trading ports now confronts its past through one of Europe’s most significant memorials. Along the banks of the Loire, the Memorial to the Abolition of Slavery in ...
Slavery was a common and ubiquitous part of life on the grounds that would become Conyers’ alma mater, Yorktown High School ...
You can visit the Anse Cafard Slave Memorial at all hours of the day, any day of the week. Because of the memorial's proximity to Diamond Beach, visitors suggest that you stop here on your way to ...
NORWICH, N.Y. (WBNG) -- On Wednesday, Assemblyman Joseph Angelino joined other elected officials in calling for the passage of Alexander John Smullen Traffic Safety Memorial Law. Named after the ...
“We hope that this bench becomes a place right in the grand opening of the middle school for kids who need to find someone, who might need an extra friend in their life. “That the bench might ...