Set in Syracuse, New York, in the mid ‘90s, Carmen Emmi’s debut feature revolves around a young cop assigned to a sting operation that forces him to confront his sexuality.
What do you get when you mix the mystery and intrigue of L.A. Confidential with the endearing dark comedy of Lars and the ...
Together, the body horror movie starring real-life couple Alison Brie and Dave Franco, has landed at Neon, which has had success as of late with horror films like Longlegs.
Damien Leone teased the horrific future of the Terrifier franchise by revealing the fourth film will be an origin story for ...
The first Terrifier movie was released in 2016, followed by 2022's Terrifier 2 and 2024's Terrifier 3. Now, Damien Leone is ...
Legally Blonde,' 'Wild' and 'You're Cordially Invited' rank among Reese Witherspoon's most iconic movies roles ...