"Blood and the Badge" by Michael Cannell is the tale of two NYPD officers who were paid to provide information and even kill ...
The true crime show The Breakthrough is one of the most popular shows on Netflix right now. Here's why you should binge it.
A West Moors resident has authored a new true crime book detailing the career of a frontline Met officer. Mark Robertson's From Handbags to Hand Grenades recounts the life of Kathryn West, who served ...
In her new book, The Secret History of the Rape Kit, Pagan Kennedy charts the history of how it changed how law enforcement ...
The Breakthrough, a four-part series from Netflix, is the second-largest criminal investigation in Swedish history and ...
A West Moors resident has authored a new true crime book detailing the career of a frontline Met officer. Mark Robertson's From Handbags to Hand Grenades recounts the life of Kathryn West ...
It has previously been posited that this love of the macabre stems from morbid curiosity, or that it could allow people to ...
Netflix has teased the following: ‘The Breakthrough is a fictional story about the unexpected hero, an unlikely collaboration, and the hunt for a killer. But it is also a story about how an unsolved ...
Kennedy had this dream in 2018, just as the country was held rapt by Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony that future Supreme ...