With its beautiful beaches and numerous theme parks, Florida is one of my family’s favorite destinations. And when we visit, ...
We were among the first to stay at Nekajui, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, on Costa Rica's stunning Peninsula Papagayo—here's the ...
In math and computer science, researchers have long understood that some questions are fundamentally unanswerable. Now ...
A roundup of news items and upcoming events from around coastal Orange County, this week from the cities of Costa Mesa, ...
Combined Degree Program (BS/MS or BA/MS) Undergraduates who are completing a degree in Environmental and Ocean Sciences can apply for admission to the graduate program before finishing their BA or BS.
NEPTUNE -- The Ocean Grove North End Development (OGNED ... reduced density, parking requirements, view corridors and architectural aesthetics. "This unique oceanfront parcel has been a dormant, ...
As per media reports, normally hidden in the ocean’s darkest depths, these eerie, bioluminescent creatures have been spotted in shallower waters. The sudden change raises concerns that warming ...
It's slipping towards the Pacific Ocean. Mike Phipps ... of Emergency Services announced a $42 million voluntary buyout program for residents most impacted by the slide. The properties approved ...
This study found a link between microplastics in the ocean and disabilities in people who live near the beach. Microplastics come from broken-down plastic trash, and there's a growing body of ...
The Campus Consortium is a network of partnerships between the Pulitzer Center and colleges and universities to engage with students and faculty on the critical global issues of our time.
For exclusive news and updates, subscribe to our The View Newsletter: The View‘s lineup was finally full on Tuesday’s (February 25) episode after absences from both Whoopi Goldberg and Alyssa ...