In Velenje, Slovenia were comfortable winners against Indonesia as they sealed a 4-0 victory. Sebastian Dominko and Jan Kupcic sealed victory in the tie with victory in the doubles on Sunday, before ...
The 2025 World Group II Play-offs will be played on a home-or-away basis on 31 January-1 February or 1-2 February. The winning nations will progress to play a World Group II tie in September. The ...
But Trump's hometown of Sevnica, Slovenia, has become a tourist destination as people have traveled to see where she spent her early years. Here are some Sevnica landmarks from Trump's childhood.
Hisense follows a similar strategy for its manufacturing plants with bases in China, Mexico, Slovenia ... The Slovenian manufacturing plant in Velenje is central to Hisense's European supply ...
Slovenia observed a national day of mourning on 24 January for three miners who died in an inrush of clay in the Velenje coal mine, the country's deadliest coal mining accident in more than two ...
Nesreča se je zgodila v ponedeljek ob 19.10, ko je v jamo Preloge v Premogovniku Velenje po ocenah vdrlo od 500 do 700 kubičnih metrov materiala, pri tem pa so bili zasuti trije rudarji. "Reševanje je ...
uri novinarjem žalostno novico sporočil direktor Premogovnika Velenje Marko Mavec. Petek v Sloveniji dan žalovanja, zastave na pol droga Vlada je nocoj na dopisni seji na pobudo premierja Roberta ...
Našli so še tretjega rudarja Premogovnika Velenje, ki so ga pogrešali od ponedeljka zvečer, ko je vse tri zasul mulj. Do knjižnice priljubljenih vsebin, ki si jih izberete s klikom na ♥ v članku, ...
The Premogovnik Velenje mine predominantly supplies the Šoštanj thermal power plant — the country's only remaining coal-fired power station. Slovenia is estimated to have around 1,244 million ...
In the worst mining accident in Slovenia this century five miners were killed in 2001 at the Hrastnik coal mine, which is no longer operational. The last accident in Velenje was recorded in February ...
Velenje, 21. januarja - Preostala dva pogrešana rudarja Premogovnika Velenje, kjer je v ponedeljek zvečer prišlo do vdora mulja in vode, reševalne ekipe še vedno iščejo, so za STA danes povedali v ...
An accident in a coal mine in northeastern Slovenia killed at least one miner and left two others missing, officials said Tuesday. Water suddenly rushed into the mine in the town of Velenje on ...