Mbio za Mwenge wa Uhuru kitaifa zinatarajiwa kuzinduliwa Aprili 2 katika Uwanja wa Shirika la Elimu Kibaha (KEC), mkoani Pwani. Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Pwani, Abubakar Kunenge, amebainisha hayo alipokuwa ...
Barabara hiyo inajengwa na makandarasi wawili mmoja ni M/s China Geo Engineering ambaye mradi wake ni kutoka Daraja la Kijazi (Sam Nujoma) - Mwenge - Maktaba ya Taifa (Posta) yenye urefu wa kilomita ...
The WA Labor government has been forced to release a major report on the state's EPA after fighting to keep it under wraps for more than a year. The Vogel McFerran report was obtained by ...
This is what was on offer to WA voters on Wednesday. Labor committed to spending $600,000 on a JobSeeker app for Collie to help its coal workers find gigs after the industry shuts down in 2030.
How does it work and what goes on behind the scenes? As the state election draws near, the WA Electoral Commission is gearing up for its busiest time, coordinating the delivery and counting of ...