The outcome of one arrest and six reports from the controls conducted between last night and the early hours of this morning ...
The chief of police of Caserta, Andrea Grassi, participated in the closing ceremony of the training course for ...
He is accused of repeatedly threatening, even with the use of weapons, a businessman from Torre del Greco to force him to ...
Un bilan d'une arrestation et six dénonciations suite aux contrôles effectués entre hier soir et les premières lueurs de ...
Le préfet de Caserte, Andrea Grassi, a participé, à la “École internationale de haute formation pour la prévention et la ...
Excursiones en barco para los estudiantes de la península sorrentina para descubrir las maravillas del AMP Punta Campanella y ...
Boat excursions for students of the Sorrento Peninsula to discover the wonders of the Amp Punta Campanella and the importance ...
During the latest episode of Tale e Quale Show, hosted by Carlo Conti, Massimo Bagnato faced the tough challenge of ...
Bootsausflüge für Schüler der sorrentinischen Halbinsel, um die Wunder des AMP Punta Campanella und die Wichtigkeit des ...
Après la brillante victoire lors de la journée inaugurale de la Serie A3 Credem Banca groupe bleu de volley masculin contre ...
After the brilliant victory on the opening day of the Serie A3 Credem Banca men's volleyball blue group against Gaia Energy ...
Der Questore von Caserta, Andrea Grassi, nahm an der „Internationalen Schule für höhere Ausbildung zur Prävention und ...