Vid avdelningen för immunologi och lungmedicin bedrivs translationell forskning om immunsystemet och dess beståndsdelar. Huvudfokus är att förstå hur vårt immunsystem fungerar både vid hälsa och vid ...
Forskargruppen IMPACT fokuserar på förebyggande av övervikt och obesitas under graviditet och barndom. Vi använder mobiltelefonteknik (mHealth) för att mäta kost och fysisk aktivitet, och för att ...
Childhood obesity is a public health problem globally as well as in Sweden. Further research is required in order to better understand the role of dietary behaviours and physical activity in children ...
Here you can find the Steering group and the Doctoral student representatives at the Doctoral programme in Public Health Science (PHSP).
We use new technologies for unintrusive monitoring of dietary and physical activity habits and behaviors of individuals, focusing on specific clinical needs (Ioannis Ioakeimidis Work Unit). The ...
För att kunna använda denna app måste du vara associerad till en skola som deltar i UNIFOOD projektet. Vad för typ av information samlas in? Genom att använda appen förser du oss med personlig ...
The UNIFOOD application (the ‘App’) is developed and provided in the context of a Swedish research project called ‘the UNIFOOD project’ coordinated through Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, ...
The IMPACT group is part of several national and international research collaborations and networks. We are also part of the Centre for Nutrition at KI, and the KI eHealth Core Facility. To be able to ...
This is a live page where we will continuously update information about the process regarding the recruitment of a new Head of Department at the Department of Oncology-Pathology during winter ...
The AdSafe project aims at evaluating differences in food marketing exposure and health-related behaviors in student populations from Swedish neighborhoods with different socioeconomic characteristics ...
Since 2012, we have used new technologies to measure behaviour and environmental context, mainly for eating and moving, mainly in student populations and in relation to school life. However, we have ...
We use new technologies and student-contributed data for the analysis and the evaluation of students’ school, living and food environment (Ioannis Ioakeimidis Work Unit). The FOODSHIFT Pathways ...