In 2008, the turnover of Latvian building supplies retail and lumber export company Nelss reached LV 54.84 million, which is 43% less than in the previous year, according to the government's official ...
Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank (Latvijas Hipoteku un zemes banka, Mortgage Bank) head Inesis Feiferis was appointed chairman of Parex bank board yesterday, whereas the previous Parex banka board ...
The Supreme Court's Department of Civil Cases today ruled that former Parex Banka owners and board members Valerijs Kargins and Viktors Krasovickis would have to pay more than EUR 2 million to the ...
Public Utilities Commission's council has approved new electricity tariffs from the joint-stock power utility Latvenergo, which provide a new system of calculating tariffs as of April 1, 2011, as ...
Question: I want to buy a garage for my son. He’s married. How to make an entry in the Land Register so that the garage is deemed his own private property. I don’t want to execute this transaction in ...
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
Zbignevs Stankevics was ordained as the new metropolitan archbishop of the Archdiosese of Riga on August 8 in a ceremony at Riga Dome Cathedral which was attended by several bishops of the Roman ...
According to Statistics Estonia, the percentage change of the construction price index was 1.5% in the 1st quarter of 2011 compared to the 1st quarter of the previous year. The index increased for the ...
Ventbunkers/LNT press service made avaible to the Baltic Course the interview with Rudolf Meroni, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, where he uncovers the truth behind theft allegations. Over the last ...
Justice Minister Janis Bordans (All For Latvia-For Fatherland And Freedom/LNNK) has suspended Latvian Prison Administration Chief, General Visvaldis Pukite pending disciplinary investigation, as the ...