Neuroendocrine cancers are a group of cancers that develop in cells of the neuroendocrine system. They can develop in different parts of the body, such as the stomach, bowel, pancreas or lungs. Your ...
Safeguarding refers to the measures and actions taken to identify and protect children and adults at risk of harm, abuse, neglect, or any impairment of their mental and physical health or development.
Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most common type of ovarian cancer. About 90 out of 100 tumours of the ovary (90%) are epithelial. Epithelial ovarian cancer starts in the surface layer covering the ...
Gerson therapy involves a specific organic vegetarian diet with nutritional supplements and enemas. There is no scientific evidence to use it as a treatment for cancer. A German doctor called Max ...
Doctors use targeted cancer drugs or immunotherapy to treat melanoma that has spread elsewhere in the body such as the liver, lungs or bone (advanced cancer). Or to treat stage 3 melanoma that cannot ...
Radiotherapy for advanced melanoma aims to relieve symptoms and improve a person’s quality of life. Where the cancer has spread to is called a metastasis or secondary cancer. If there are a small ...
Primary peritoneal cancer (PPC) is a rare cancer. It starts in the thin layer of tissue lining the inside of the tummy (abdomen). This tissue lining is called the peritoneum. PPC cells are the same as ...
Researchers around the world are trying to improve the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer. Go to Cancer Research UK’s clinical trials database if you are looking for a trial for ovarian cancer ...
Researchers around the world are looking at better ways to diagnose and treat testicular cancer. Go to Cancer Research UK’s clinical trials database if you are looking for a trial for testicular ...
A team of healthcare professionals decide what your treatment options are. Surgery is often the main treatment. Other treatments include: somatostatin analogues radiotherapy chemotherapy targeted ...
The treatment you have depends on what type of neuroendocrine cancer you have. And it depends on where it is, its size and whether it has spread (the stage). These cancers grow at different rates. For ...